ZODIAC LAND Personal Information Protection Policy

Updated on September 10, 2022

Effective date: September 09, 2022

In order to effectively protect ZODIAC LAND users' personal information and optimize user experience, ZODIAC LAND (hereinafter referred to as "We", meaning ZODIAC LAND PTE. LTD.) has formulated the ZODIAC LAND Personal Information Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") in accordance with existing laws and policies. This Policy will describe in detail our policies and practices regarding the acquisition, use, management and protection of users' personal information.

We strive to use plain, concise and concise words to express, and the terms closely related to your rights and interests in this Policy and the sensitive personal information involved in this Policy shall be marked in bold to prompt your attention. Therefore, before you use ZODIAC LAND, please carefully read and fully understand this Policy and confirm your full understanding and consent before using ZODIAC LAND services.

This Policy applies to all services we provide to you, whether you obtain ZODIAC LAND services through computer equipment, mobile terminals or other devices. This Policy does not apply to:

Information collected through ZODIAC LAND access to third party products or services (including any third party websites), which may include products or services and advertising content displayed to you in personalized recommendations, or other products or services linked to in ZODIAC LAND;

Information collected by third parties that assist ZODIAC LAND in advertising; And information collected by third parties running advertising campaigns in ZODIAC LAND.

Your use of these third party services (including any personal information you provide to these third parties) will be governed by the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of these third parties (but not this Policy). For specific provisions, please read the relevant terms of the third party carefully. Please protect your personal information properly and provide it to third parties only when necessary.

Please understand that the clients and related services described in this Policy may vary depending on the model of the device on which you load the client, system version, software application version and other factors. The final products and services are subject to the ZODIAC LAND client you are using.

This policy will help you understand the following:

1, define,

2. How do we collect and use your personal information

3. Cookie and related technical notification

4. How do we entrust, share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

5. How do we protect your personal information

6. How do we store your personal information

7. Your personal information subject rights

8. How do we collect and process minors' personal information

9. Update of this policy

10. How to contact us

Definition 1.

Personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded by electronic or other means which, alone or in combination with other information, can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person.

Personal sensitive information: refers to personal information including ID number, personal biometric information, bank account number, property information, transaction information, and information of children under the age of 14 (including), etc. (Specific personal sensitive information will be marked in bold in this Privacy Policy).

Equipment Information: Including your use of the device properties, the connection and state information, such as device model, device identifier (such as IMEI/androidID IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/OAID, SIM card IMSI, ICCID information, etc.), the equipment list of MAC address, software, telecom operators such as hardware and software information.

2. How do we collect and use your personal information

2.1 Personal information that you voluntarily provide to us

2.1.1 When you register your ZODIAC LAND account, we will collect your ZODIAC LAND account nickname, password, password protection option, email address and mobile phone number through the registration and login process.

If you are otherwise associated with ZODIAC LAND, we will request your personal information from affiliated third parties, and we may still ask you to provide personal information that we request but the third party cannot provide: (1) When you log in with a Google account, we will access your Google profile picture, nickname, region, and gender information; (2) When you use Apple ID to log in, we will obtain your Apple ID email address. You may still need to bind a valid mobile number to ZODIAC LAND when you use other associated logins and some of the ZODIAC LAND features in order to ensure account security and ensure real-name Internet access. This information is collected to help you create a ZODIAC LAND account and verify your real name. If you refuse to provide this information, your registration to ZODIAC LAND will be affected.

2.1.2 you use of ZODIAC LAND when upload avatar (include your photo upload, from the album selection) and edit the personal data (including your nickname, gender, time of birth, place of birth, who now lives in cities, the mobile phone number), if you do not upload the foregoing information may affect business functions that you need to use the above information, However, it does not affect the use of other functions.

2.1.3 When you use the search service provided by us, we will collect your search keyword information, search history and device information. In order to provide an efficient search service, some of the information is temporarily stored on your local device. Here, you need to note that the search keyword information alone can not identify your personal identity, it is not your personal information, so we have the right to use it for other purposes; Only when your search keyword information is connected with other information about you and can be combined with your personal identity, we will treat your search keyword information as your personal information and process and protect it together with your search history in accordance with this Policy.

If we obtain your personal information outside the above scenarios, we will obtain your express consent again, and before obtaining your express consent, we will fully explain to you the application scenarios and the content and scope of obtaining your relevant information.

2.2 Personal information automatically collected by us

When you through the site, the client services such as entrance to use our service, we may automatically collect your IP address from your equipment, equipment models, the only equipment identification number, browser type, rough location information (country or city information, for example), and other equipment technical information, we will also collect some you are using the log information of our service, Such as pages visited or links clicked on.

This information is mainly collected to ensure the safe operation of the service and to enable us to better understand you, such as where you are from and what attracts you to our services. We use this information for internal analysis and to improve the quality and relevance of services for you (such as recommending information and content that may be of interest to you). We also need to keep corresponding logs to record the running status of our website, mobile client and other service portals, so as to comply with Singapore laws and regulations.

This information is generally collected through cookies or similar tracking technology that we use, as detailed in the "Cookies and Related Technology Disclosure" section below.

2.3 Device Permissions We have Obtained

To provide you with a convenient and high-quality service, we may invoke some permissions on your device. When you use the corresponding function, you will see a pop-up reminder, asking you whether to authorize. You can choose to disable some or all permissions on the client or device Settings. The enabling and disabling modes of the preceding rights vary depending on the device. For details, see the instructions or guidelines of the device and system developer.

2.4 when it comes to national security and interests, social public interests and activities related to the criminal investigation, or but you or other people life and property safety in special circumstances can't get your authorization in time, and from the legal public access or other circumstances stipulated by the laws and regulations, we may be without your permission to collect your personal information.

2.5 Please note that, unless you delete or reject our collection through system Settings, during your use of ZODIAC LAND, we will use your personal information to the extent stated in this Policy. But, in the case of the laws and regulations allow, we will use your personal information for related to the above purpose or other laws and regulations permit the use, for example, in to your personal identity information to deal with the logo, and do not disclose your other personal information under the premise of for you t

o identify the processing of personal information analysis and commercial use.

3. Cookie and related technical notification

3.1 Cookies and related technologies can help websites identify registered users and calculate the number of users. They are usually used by websites to determine whether the registered users have logged in. We use cookies and related technologies mainly to achieve the following functions or services:

3.1.1 Ensure the safe and efficient operation of products or services. We may set authentication and security cookies to confirm whether you are securely logged into the service or whether you are experiencing embezzlement, fraud or other illegal acts. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency, login and response speed.

3.1.2 Simplifying your Operations. Using this kind of technology can help you save the steps and processes of filling in personal information and entering search content repeatedly, and help you get a more relaxed access experience.

3.1.3 Recommend, display and push contents or accounts that you may be interested in. We may use such technology to understand your preferences and usage habits, conduct data analysis to improve products and services, recommend information or features you are interested in, and optimize your choice of advertising.

3.2 If you do not want your personal information to be retained in cookies, you can configure the browser by selecting "Refuse cookies" or" Notify you when cookies are sent by the website ". Given that our services are achieved through support for cookies, your access to ZODIAC LAND may be affected or not fully accessed by ZODIAC LAND upon completion of the operation to turn off cookies. When you refrain from using cookies, you may be prompted, such as whether to retain user information the next time you visit the site in order to simplify login procedures (such as automatic login).

4. How do we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of your personal information

4.1 In order to improve the efficiency of information processing, we may entrust a third party to process your personal information on our behalf. For the third party entrusted by us to process personal information, we will sign a strict confidentiality agreement with it and require it to process personal information in accordance with our requirements, this Policy and the confidentiality and security measures required by laws and regulations.

4.2 Unless previously authorized by you, we will not share or transfer your identifiable personal information to any third party. We may share or transfer de-identified or anonymized personal information.

Under certain conditions, we may share your personal information with third parties, but we will only share such personal information as is necessary and the third party is bound by the purposes stated in this Policy. We will obtain your consent according to the requirements of laws, regulations and national standards in the form of agreement confirmation, copy confirmation in specific scenarios, pop-up prompts, or confirm that a third party has obtained your consent. If a third party wants to change the purpose of processing personal information, it will seek your authorization again.

Sharing personal information with any third party for us, we will evaluate the information gathering, legitimacy and necessity of the legality of investigating its data security environment, and the feasible case rather than a strict confidentiality agreement, ask them to our instructions, in accordance with the laws and regulations, this policy and any other relevant safety measures to deal with personal information.

4.3 You agree that we share information with third parties for the following purposes:

4.3.1 Realize the information sharing of services and functions of ZODIAC LAND

Please understand, ZODIAC LAND to some of the functions and services provided by a third party (including our related party), in order to realize the functions and services, we may be Shared with related third party you the necessary information, so that the third direction you with related functions and services, to show you or push you might be interested in information and content. At present, such third parties mainly include software service providers, intelligent device providers or system service providers.

For example, when third-party software or equipment systems are combined with ZODIAC LAND products or services to provide location-based services to you, ZODIAC LAND may, based on your authorization and Settings for the positioning of the system, obtain your location information and equipment information and provide it to the aforementioned partners after de-identification. In special cases, contact information will be included. If you refuse to collect and use such information, you will need to set up or turn off the software that provides the services in the Equipment system, and it may not be possible to set up automatically or manually to turn off the services in ZODIAC LAND.

4.3.2 Realize information sharing related to advertising

We may share de-identified or anonymized information with our advertising partners, including advertisers and other AD service providers, to enable programmatic advertising. We will not share your personally identifiable information (that is, information that can identify you, such as name or mobile phone number) with our advertising partners without your authorization. We will only share anonymized user profiles and encrypted device information with our advertising partners to help them increase effective AD reach rates without identifying you personally.

For example, only in the advertising partners agree to abide by our advertising after the specification, we will tell advertising partners to its advertising effect how, or how many people see their ads or advertisement in see after installed the application, or to provide these partners can't identify your personal identity of the statistical information (such as "female, 25 to 29 years old, is located in Beijing"), Help them understand their audience.

4.2.3 Share security and analysis statistics information

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of you and other ZODIAC LAND users and guarantee the stable operation of ZODIAC LAND services, we will share your desensitized equipment information and Internet information with our data security partners. In addition, to analyze ZODIAC LAND usage and enhance your ZODIAC LAND usage experience, we share desensitized ZODIAC LAND usage behavior information with our data analytics partners.

4.4 Without your consent, we will not share, transfer or publicly disclose your personal information to any third party other than the affiliated party, except in the following circumstances:

4.4.1 Obtain your explicit authorization and consent in advance;

4.4.2 Relevant to our performance of obligations under applicable laws and regulations;

4.4.3 Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

4.4.4 Those directly related to public safety, public health or major public interests;

4.4.5 Those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

4.4.6 To protect your life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals, but it is difficult to get your consent;

4.4.7 Personal information disclosed by you to the public; As well as

4.4.8 Your personal information collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

5. How do we protect your personal information

5.1 we will make every reasonable effort to protect your personal information we obtain, and the special data security of personal information protection and protects your personal information in the case of accidental, unauthorized illegal access, copy, modify, transmit, loss, damage, handling or use, strictly abide by the laws and regulations to protect users' personal information.

5.2 We take the following technical measures to protect your personal information:

5.2.1 Our network services adopt transport layer security protocol and other encryption technologies, and provide browsing services through HTTPS, etc., to ensure the security of users' personal information during transmission;

5.2.2 Encrypt and save user's personal information through encryption technology and isolate it through isolation technology;

5.2.3 In the use of personal information, such as personal information display and personal information association calculation, we will adopt a variety of data desensitization technologies including content replacement, encryption and desensitization to enhance the security of personal information in use;

5.2.4 Set up strict data use and access system, adopt strict data access permission control and multiple identity authentication technology to protect personal information, and avoid illegal use of your personal information; As well as

5.2.5 Adopt special data and technology security audit, set up log audit and behavior audit measures.

5.3 In addition, we have taken the following other measures to protect your personal information:

5.3.1 Manage and standardize the storage and use of personal information by establishing data classification and classification system, data security management norms, and data security development norms;

5.3.2 Establish a special data security department responsible for the security emergency response organization to promote and guarantee the security of personal information;

5.3.3 Strengthen employees' awareness of personal information protection and security. We will also conduct security and privacy training courses to enhance staff's awareness of the importance of protecting personal information. As well as

5.3.4 Other personal information protection measures explicitly required by laws and regulations.

5.4 Although we have taken the above reasonable and effective measures and have complied with the standards required by relevant laws and regulations, we still cannot guarantee the security of your personal information when it is communicated through insecure means. Therefore, you should take active measures to ensure the security of your personal information, such as regularly changing your account password and not disclosing your personal information to others.

5.5 There is always a risk of information leakage in the network environment. When your information is leaked due to accidents, force majeure and other circumstances, we will try our best to control the situation and timely inform you of the cause of the incident, the security measures we have taken and the security measures you can take on your own initiative. If there is a security incident related to personal information, we will immediately report it to the competent authorities, troubleshoot the problem in time, and take emergency measures. At the same time, we will send a notice of password change to the full user, reach the user by reminder, and inform the ZODIAC LAND public operating platform.

5.6 Please understand that the personal information protection measures we provide apply only to ZODIAC LAND. Once you have left ZODIAC LAND to browse or use other websites, services and content resources, we have no ability or obligation to protect any personal information submitted by you on websites other than ZODIAC LAND, regardless of whether your login or viewing of such websites is based on ZODIAC LAND links or guides.

6. How do we store your personal information

6.1 We shall store your personal information collected abroad in the People's Republic of China in accordance with laws and regulations. At present, we will not use, store, share and disclose your personal information in cross-border business, or transfer your personal information overseas.

If our business changes in the future, we may need to transfer your personal information to other countries or regions. These countries or regions may have different data protection laws or even no laws. In this case, we will be based on the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, to ensure that your personal information with the same level of protection within the territory, inform the you exit the types of personal information, purpose, the receiving party, safety measures and security risks, and shall be carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations require to leave the country after safety assessment, or for the record.

6.2 We retain your personal information only for such period as is necessary for the purposes stated in this Policy and for such period as required by laws, regulations and regulatory provisions. We will keep your personal information in accordance with the Network Security Law and other relevant laws and regulations. After the legal storage period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information.

7. Your personal information subject rights

We attach great importance to your management of personal information, and do our best to protect your right to access, correct, delete and withdraw consent to personal information, so that you have the full ability to maintain your privacy and personal information security.

7.1 Access, modify and delete your personal information

When you have completed ZODIAC LAND account registration, you can modify the personal information you submit to us once. You may request us to delete your personal information if:

7.1.1 If we handle personal information in violation of laws and regulations;

7.1.2 If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;

7.1.3 If we terminate ZODIAC LAND's operations and services.

If we decide to respond to your request for deletion, we will also, to the extent possible, notify the third parties from whom we have obtained your personal information and request them to delete it in a timely manner, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations or these third parties have obtained your independent authorization.

For personal information that is difficult to access, modify or delete directly from the client, you can also submit the relevant application to us through the contact information provided in this policy.

7.2 Withdrawal of Consent

Specific business functions in ZODIAC LAND will require your information or device permissions granted by you in order to be completed. You can withdraw consent by turning off the appropriate business function. After you withdraw your consent, we will not be able to provide you with the corresponding functions and will no longer process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw consent will not affect our previous processing of personal information based on your authorization.

7.3 Logout of an Account

You can log out of your account through the ZODIAC LAND official client. Please understand that logout is an unrecoverable operation. In view of ZODIAC LAND PTE. LTD. 's unified account system, once you cancel your account, we will delete all information about your account, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations. You will also not be able to regain ZODIAC LAND services through your cancelled account.

7.4 Responding to your Request

For security, we will process your request after verifying your identity. We may reject requests that are unnecessarily repetitive, require excessive technical means (e.g., require the development of new systems or a fundamental change in existing practices), pose a risk to the legal rights of others, or are highly impractical. Under any of the following circumstances, we may not be able to respond to your request as required by laws and regulations:

7.4.1 Related to our performance of obligations under laws and regulations;

7.4.2 Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

7.4.3 Those directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

7.4.4 Those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

7.4.5 We have sufficient evidence that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;

7.4.6 To protect your or others' life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain my authorization and consent;

7.4.7 Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other people or organizations;

7.4.8 Commercial secrets are involved.

7.5 If we terminate the Services or operations, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance and delete or anonymize your personal information after the termination of the Services or operations.

8. How do we collect and process minors' personal information

8.1. If you are a minor under the age of 18, before using ZODIAC LAND, you shall, under the supervision and guidance of your parents (or other guardians), jointly read and decide whether to agree to this policy, and we will protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the State.

8.2. If you are a child under 14 years of age and wish to use ZODIAC LAND, please inform your parents (or other guardians) of this Policy, and we need to obtain the express consent of your parents (or other guardians) before you can start using ZODIAC LAND, and after obtaining the express consent of your parents (or other guardians), Before you can use our products, services or provide us with information.

8.3. We do not collect personal information that can identify the age of users.

9. Update of this policy

9.1 In order to provide you with better service and with the development of our business, this policy will be updated accordingly. For material changes, we will also provide a more prominent notice (we will explain the specific changes in this policy by including but not limited to email, SMS, private message or special note on the browsing page). Material changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:

9.1.1 Our service model has undergone significant changes. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, the use of personal information, etc.;

9.1.2 There are major changes in our ownership structure and organizational structure, which lead to changes in the subject that actually collects and processes your personal information, such as changes in owners caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions;

9.1.3 The main object of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure changes;

9.1.4 There is a material change in your right to participate in the processing of personal information and the way in which you exercise it;

9.1.5 When the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information and complaint channels of us change;

9.1.6 When the Personal Information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.

9.2 We will issue the updated version on the client (" Settings "-" About Us "), and remind you of the updated content through website announcement or other appropriate means before it takes effect, so that you can timely learn about the latest version of this Policy. By agreeing to and continuing to use ZODIAC LAND, you agree to the contents of this Policy (including updated versions).

10. How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Policy or related matters, especially if you think that our personal information processing behavior damages your legitimate rights and interests, you may contact us at any time through the following ways. We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and respond in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements and deadlines of laws and regulations.

Customer service email: zodiacland@goddessxzns.com